Starter quiz

  • Which of these objects are metal?
    • bicycle chain
      bicycle chain  ✓
    • tree trunk
      tree trunk
    • toy building bricks
      toy building bricks
    • kitchen foil
      kitchen foil  ✓
  • Match the material to the property.
    • play dough
      squashable ✓
    • glass
      transparent ✓
    • metal
      shiny ✓
  • What is the word for a force that moves an object further away?
    • 'push' ✓
  • Match the type of force to the activity.
    • ringing a doorbell
      push ✓
    • opening a drawer
      pull ✓
    • turning a bike pedal
      push ✓
    • a tug of war competition
      pull ✓
  • When do contact forces take place?
    • when objects are close together but not touching each other
    • when objects are touching each other  ✓
    • when objects are a long way apart
  • Which of these can forces do?
    • make something start moving  ✓
    • make something change material
    • make something stop moving  ✓
    • make something change direction  ✓