Starter quiz

  • Which of these is not an electronic device?
  • The same poles of magnets <span class="blank">______</span> each other.
    The same poles of magnets ______ each other.
    • 'repel' ✓
  • If two magnets repel each other, what will they do?
    • move closer together
    • stay in the same place
    • move away from each other  ✓
  • Match the behaviour shown by magnets to the pairs of poles that are next to each other.
    • repel
      S and S poles next to each other ✓
    • attract
      S and N poles next to each other ✓
  • Yes or no - Can you block magnetic force with a sheet of card?
    • 'no' ✓
  •  If you hang a bar magnet from a piece of string looped around its middle, it will spin freely until...
    If you hang a bar magnet from a piece of string looped around its middle, it will spin freely until...
    • one end points up and one end points down
    • one end faces north and one faces south  ✓
    • one end faces east and one faces west


  • Q1: How to Read a Book, Kwame Alexander, Melissa Sweet, Harper Collins
