Starter quiz

  • Match the word to the correct definition.
    • difference
      something that is not the same between things ✓
    • similarity
      something that things have in common ✓
  • Match the sense organ to the sense we use it for.
    Match the sense organ to the sense we use it for.
    • eyes
      sight ✓
    • ears
      hearing ✓
    • nose
      smell ✓
    • tongue
      taste ✓
    • skin
      touch ✓
  • Why might Laura be the odd one out of these three children?
    Why might Laura be the odd one out of these three children?
    • she has long hair  ✓
    • she is a girl
    • she has black hair
  • How do we observe something?
    • we look at it closely, sometimes using more than one of our senses  ✓
    • we sort it into a group with other similar things
    • we say where we think it came from
  • Which two of these can all living things do?
    • swim
    • reproduce  ✓
    • walk
    • move  ✓
    • speak
  • Which of these are living things?
    • an apple tree
      an apple tree  ✓
    • a bonfire
      a bonfire
    • a petal taken from a flower
      a petal taken from a flower
    • a wasp
      a wasp  ✓