Starter quiz

  • Individuals with advantageous characteristics are more likely to survive and reproduce. This leads to a process called natural ______.
    • 'selection' ✓
  • There are differences between these two individuals of the same species of peppered moth. Which word do we use in science for these differences?
    There are differences between these two individuals of the same species of peppered moth. Which word do we use in science for these differences?
    • competition
    • natural selection
    • variation  ✓
    • reproduction
  • Which moth has an advantage in the competition to hide from predators?
    Which moth has an advantage in the competition to hide from predators?
    • the light-coloured moth
    • the dark-coloured moth  ✓
    • neither moth has an advantage
    • both moths have the advantage
  • Which moth is the most likely to survive to reproduce?
    Which moth is the most likely to survive to reproduce?
    • the light-coloured moth
    • the dark-coloured moth  ✓
    • neither moth is likely to survive to reproduce
    • the two moths are equally likely to survive to reproduce
  • The genes for which type of colouration are most likely to become more common in later generations of the moths?
    The genes for which type of colouration are most likely to become more common in later generations of the moths?
    • the genes for light-colouration
    • the genes for dark-colouration  ✓
    • the genes for both types of colouration will be equally common
  • Most of the trees in the moths’ habitat change to have light-coloured bark. Put the statements in order, to explain how this could cause the population of moths to change.
    Most of the trees in the moths’ habitat change to have light-coloured bark. Put the statements in order, to explain how this could cause the population of moths to change.
    • 1
      the light-coloured moths are now better camouflaged, so have an advantage
    • 2
      their advantage will help them in the competition to hide from predators
    • 3
      they are more likely to survive and reproduce
    • 4
      this means they can pass on the genes for light-colouration to their offspring
    • 5
      over generations light-coloured moths will become more common in the population