Starter quiz

  • Which is the best description of this polar environment?
    Which is the best description of this polar environment?
    • It is cold, windy, dry, has cool summers and very cold winters.  ✓
    • It is cold, windy, wet, and has warm summers and a long winter.
    • It is cold, dry and has warm summers and very cold winters.
  • Which is the best description of this desert environment?
    • Dry, little rainfall, some plants and hot all the time.
    • Dry, little rainfall, very few plants and has extreme temperatures.  ✓
    • Dry, little rainfall, some plants, no animals and hot all the time.
  • True or false? A habitat is the place where an organism lives. It must provide food, shelter and a place to reproduce.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What of the following would not cause a habitat to change?
    • Earthquake
    • Pollution
    • Deforestation
    • The Moon  ✓
    • Climate change
  • What is photosynthesis?
    • The process by which plants reproduce.
    • The process by which plants make their own food.  ✓
    • The process by which plants are consumed by other organisms.
  • An ______ is a feature that organisms have to help them live in a particular place.
    • 'adaptation' ✓


  • Q2: Dmitry Rukhlenko,
