Starter quiz

  • What does a habitat provide for all living organism?
    • a nest
    • nutrition  ✓
    • soil
    • water  ✓
    • shelter  ✓
  • Match the keyword to its meaning.
    • competition
      living organisms struggle for access to limited resources ✓
    • variation
      differences between organisms of the same species ✓
    • adaptation
      a feature that helps an organism to function and survive ✓
  • What adaptations might a plant have in this polar region?
    What adaptations might a plant have in this polar region?
    • produce fruit
    • large colourful flowers
    • short growing season  ✓
    • wind pollinated  ✓
    • spines
  • What feature might a plant that lives in the desert not have??
    What feature might a plant that lives in the desert not have??
    • big leaves  ✓
    • small leaves
    • spines
    • thick stem
  • Match the adaptation to the organism.
    Match the adaptation to the organism.
    • streamlined shape
      for efficient swimming ✓
    • strong sense of smell
      to detect prey ✓
    • sharp teeth
      to capture and eat prey ✓
    • shading
      to hunt without being detected ✓
  • What adaptations might a rainforest plant have?
    What adaptations might a rainforest plant have?
    • deep roots
    • broad leaves  ✓
    • small leaves
    • shallow roots  ✓