Starter quiz

  • Where is the genetic material stored in plant and animal cells?
    • 'Nucleus' ✓
  • True or false? Boys look like their Dad and girls look like their Mum.
    True or false? Boys look like their Dad and girls look like their Mum.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Genetic information is stored as ______ in the nucleus.
    • 'chromosomes' ✓
  • How many chromosomes does each human parent pass onto their offspring?
    • 30
    • 46
    • 23  ✓
    • 32
  • Which features do these cats not share?
    Which features do these cats not share?
    • fur pattern  ✓
    • eye shape
    • ear position
    • presence of fur
  • Who is right?
    Who is right?
    • Andeep: These cats are different species because they look different.
      Andeep: These cats are different species because they look different.
    • Alex: These cats are both the same species as they share many characteristics.
      Alex: These cats are both the same species as they share many characteristics.  ✓
    • Sam: These cats could be related as they look similar.
      Sam: These cats could be related as they look similar.  ✓
    • Jun: The cats are definitely not related.
      Jun: The cats are definitely not related.