Starter quiz

  • Camels store fat in their hump. Why is this a helpful adaptation for living in a hot environment?
    Camels store fat in their hump. Why is this a helpful adaptation for living in a hot environment?
    • fat increases heat loss from the hump
    • not storing fat in the rest of the body allows heat to be lost more easily  ✓
    • the fat in the hump slows heat loss from the hump
  • Leaves are adapted to contain chlorophyll and be broad but thin in shape. Match each adaptation with its function.
    • broad
      maximises the absorption of light ✓
    • chlorophyll
      a chemical that absorbs light ✓
    • thin
      allows quick gas exchange ✓
  • A single female house fly can lay up to 500 eggs. The eggs hatch into maggots which feed on food waste. Why don’t all the maggots survive to become adult flies?
    • they are all equally well adapted
    • they are competing for mates
    • there is not enough food  ✓
    • maggots only live for a few days
  • These two male deer (stags) are competing. Which resources could they be competing for?
    These two male deer (stags) are competing. Which resources could they be competing for?
    • food  ✓
    • light
    • mates  ✓
    • pollinators
    • seed dispersers
  • Arctic foxes live in the Arctic and are adapted to survive in low temperatures. Which of the following are adaptations of the Arctic fox?
    Arctic foxes live in the Arctic and are adapted to survive in low temperatures. Which of the following are adaptations of the Arctic fox?
    • greasy fur helps it repel water to dry quickly  ✓
    • large ears to decrease heat loss
    • short coat to decrease heat loss
    • pads on feet help insulate their feet on the cold ground  ✓
  • Some plants have variegated leaves, which contain less chlorophyll than normal leaves. Order the sentences to explain why these leaves could be a disadvantage.
    Some plants have variegated leaves, which contain less chlorophyll than normal leaves. Order the sentences to explain why these leaves could be a disadvantage.
    • 1
      Having less chlorophyll means these leaves produce less food.
    • 2
      Plants with less food grow more slowly.
    • 3
      Plants that grow more slowly than surrounding plants get less sunlight.
    • 4
      Without enough sunlight plants die.