Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are not made of cells?
    • Fish
    • Snail
    • Lion
    • Rocks  ✓
    • Grass
  • Which one statement about the human body is true?
    • The body contains cells.
    • The body is a cell.
    • The body is made up of cells.  ✓
    • There are no cells in the body.
  • Starting with the largest, put these in size order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Match the particles with their correct arrangement.
    • Solid particles are
      close and fixed in position. ✓
    • Liquid particles are
      close, randomly arranged and can move around each other. ✓
    • Gas particles are
      far apart, randomly arranged and free to move. ✓
  • What does the word particle refer to?
    • atoms and molecules  ✓
    • atoms and cell organelles
    • cells and cell organelles
    • molecules and cells
    • atoms and cells
  • What is the particle model?
    • Describes the arrangement of particles in solids, liquid and gases.  ✓
    • Describes how particles can change.
    • Describes the arrangement of cell organelles within cells.
    • Describes how to make new particles.