Starter quiz

  • What is a balanced diet?
    • One that contains mainly fat and carbohydrates for energy.
    • One that is high in vitamins and minerals by eating only fruit and vegetables.
    • One that contains equal amounts of each nutrient.
    • One that contains different but the correct amount of each nutrient.  ✓
  • Which type of fat should we limit in our diet?
    • saturated  ✓
    • unsaturated
  • What does BMI stand for?
    • body mass index  ✓
    • body mass increments
    • body mean index
    • body mean increments
  • What takes place in the mitochondria?
    What takes place in the mitochondria?
    • 'respiration' ✓
  • Which is the correct order for the passage of air into our lungs?
    Which is the correct order for the passage of air into our lungs?
    • alveoli - bronchi - trachea - bronchioles
    • trachea - bronchioles - bronchi - alveoli
    • trachea - bronchi - bronchioles - alveoli  ✓
  • A 32 year old woman has a height of 1.54 m and a mass of 65 kg. Calculate her BMI; BMI = body mass ÷ (height)²
    • 23.2
    • 27.4  ✓
    • 28.9
    • 40