Starter quiz

  • True or false? Nicotine is a drug.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What is the name of the arteries that supply the heart muscle itself with blood?
    What is the name of the arteries that supply the heart muscle itself with blood?
    • aortic arteries
    • carotid arteries
    • coronary arteries  ✓
    • heart arteries
  • What are the fuels needed for cellular respiration?
    • oxygen  ✓
    • water
    • carbon dioxide
    • glucose  ✓
  • What takes place in the lungs?
    What takes place in the lungs?
    • 'gas exchange' ✓
  • Which substance found in cigarettes makes them addictive?
    • carbon monoxide
    • tar
    • nicotine  ✓
    • carbon dioxide
  • Which disease is not related to smoking?
    • heart disease
    • asthma
    • cystic fibrosis  ✓
    • lung cancer