Starter quiz

  • Which of the following best describes soil?
    • a type of rock
    • tiny pieces of rock and organic matter (such as rotting leaves)  ✓
    • completely liquid
    • only decomposed organic matter
  • What are the solid parts of planet Earth primarily composed of?
    • water
    • rock  ✓
    • plants and animals
    • gases
  • What indicates a rock might be very hard?
    • it has a smooth texture
    • it can scratch other rocks  ✓
    • it contains many crystals
    • it is lightweight
  • What is a fossil?
    • a type of mineral
    • remains or traces of ancient life  ✓
    • a crystal structure in rocks
    • a kind of soil
  • True or false? All rocks are equally as hard as each other
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which factor does not directly affect the formation of soil from rocks?
    • the type of rock
    • the presence of animals
    • weather conditions
    • the age of the rock  ✓