Starter quiz

  • The word 'energy' has a scientific meaning, but also has non-scientific meanings in everyday life. Which pupil is using the word energy with it's proper scientific meaning?
  • Which of these do you think have energy?
    • a moving car  ✓
    • a hot pie  ✓
    • firewood  ✓
    • a stretched rubber band  ✓
    • the human body  ✓
  • Which do you think has more energy?
    • 100g of ice
    • 100g of cold water
    • 100g of hot water  ✓
  • Which do you think would have more energy?
    • A slack bungee rope.
    • A bungee rope stretched by 1 metre.
    • A bungee rope stretched by 5 metres.  ✓
  • Which do you think has most energy due to its movement?
    • A train at 80 mph.  ✓
    • A train at 50 mph.
    • A train at 60 mph.
  • Starting with the least energy, sort these food items into order of increasing energy content.
    • 1
      A stick of celery.
    • 2
      A slice of toast with low-fat spread.
    • 3
      A cupcake with icing.
    • 4
      A serving of deep-fried fish and chips.