Starter quiz

  • Somebody slides down a slide. What force is causing them to speed up as they slide?
    Somebody slides down a slide. What force is causing them to speed up as they slide?
    • gravitational  ✓
    • friction
    • tension
    • air resistance
  • Somebody slides down a slide. What two forces are opposing the motion as they slide?
    Somebody slides down a slide. What two forces are opposing the motion as they slide?
    • gravitational
    • friction  ✓
    • tension
    • air resistance  ✓
  • Which of the following can a force do to an object?
    • Make it speed up.  ✓
    • Make it slow down.  ✓
    • Decrease its mass.
    • Change its shape.  ✓
  • Some masses are placed on a balance. Which force acts downwards on the masses?
    Some masses are placed on a balance. Which force acts downwards on the masses?
    • upthrust
    • friction
    • gravitational  ✓
    • tension
  • The image shows a newton meter which has a spring inside it. Why is a spring used in the newton meter?
    The image shows a newton meter which has a spring inside it. Why is a spring used in the newton meter?
    • The spring stops the hook from moving.
    • The spring stretches more when there is a larger force on it.  ✓
    • The spring stretches less when there is a larger force on it.
    • The spring makes the meter strong enough to hold things.
  • The picture shows a steel paperclip on some thread being attracted by a magnet. The paperclip is stationary. Which statements must be true?
    The picture shows a steel paperclip on some thread being attracted by a magnet. The paperclip is stationary. Which statements must be true?
    • There is an upwards magnetic force acting on the paperclip.  ✓
    • The downwards gravitational force is equal to the upwards magnetic force.
    • There is downwards force on the paperclip due to tension in the thread.  ✓
    • The tension in the thread is equal to the upwards magnetic force.
    • The upwards and downwards forces are equal so there is no resultant force.  ✓