Starter quiz

  • Which of these is a force measurement?
    • 30 kg
    • 30 m
    • 30 m/s
    • 30 N  ✓
    • 30 J
  • What feature of a distance-time graphs shows the speed?
    What feature of a distance-time graphs shows the speed?
    • The horizontal axis.
    • The verical axis.
    • The gridlines.
    • The gradient of the line.  ✓
    • The number of divisions on each axis.
  • Which of these show how forces should be represented on diagram?
    • Is drawn as an arrow.  ✓
    • Has a special colour for each type of force.
    • Starts at the point where the force acts.  ✓
    • Points in the direction the force acts.  ✓
    • Must always have a pair drawn with it.
  • Ben pushes a shopping trolley so it is moving quickly but then falls and lets go. Which of these forces still act on the trolley after he has let go?
    Ben pushes a shopping trolley so it is moving quickly but then falls and lets go. Which of these forces still act on the trolley after he has let go?
    • Ben's push.
    • A driving force keeping the trolley moving.
    • A friction force due to the ground.  ✓
    • A normal contact force due to the ground.  ✓
    • A gravitational force due to Earth.  ✓
  • A student is measuring the average speed of a trolley between two points marked on a ramp. Which measurements do they need to make to find the speed?
    A student is measuring the average speed of a trolley between two points marked on a ramp. Which measurements do they need to make to find the speed?
    • The mass of the trolley.
    • The angle of the ramp.
    • The time for the trolley to pass between the markers.  ✓
    • The time the trolley took to reach the markers.
    • The distance between the two markers.  ✓
  • What is the average speed of this object?
    What is the average speed of this object?
    • 0 m/s
    • 0.15 m/s  ✓
    • 6.6 m/s
    • 51 m/s
    • 69 m/s