Starter quiz

  • Which two pieces of apparatus could be used to take the measurements needed to find the speed of a falling model parachute?
    • tape measure
      tape measure  ✓
    • newton meter
      newton meter
    • digital balance
      digital balance
    • stopwatch
      stopwatch  ✓
  • Which of these forces act on a skydiver as they fall downwards?
    • drag  ✓
    • tension
    • gravity  ✓
    • thrust
    • magnetism
  • When does a falling object reach a steady speed?
    • When there is no drag.
    • When there is no gravity force.
    • When the drag force is larger than the force of gravity.
    • When there is no resultant force.  ✓
    • When the force of gravity is larger than the drag force.
  • A student measures how long a parachute takes to fall a distance of 2.0 m five separate times. Their readings are 1.5 s , 1.2 s, 1.4 s, 1.3 s and 1.4 s. Calculate the average fall time.
    • 1.2 s
    • 1.4 s  ✓
    • 5.8 s
    • 70 s
    • 350 s
  • A set of model parachutes with different surface areas were dropped through a distance of 1.5 m. Starting with the fastest, sort the parachutes in order of average fall speed.
    • 1
      0.70 s
    • 2
      0.72 s
    • 3
      0.95 s
    • 4
      0.99 s
    • 5
      1.44 s
    • 6
      1.48 s
  • A model parachute falls through a distance of 1.8 m in a time of 2.4 s. Calculate the average speed of the parachute during the fall. Give the correct unit.
    • '0.75 m/s' ✓