Starter quiz

  • Match the units to the quantities they are used to measure.
    • metres (m)
      distance ✓
    • seconds (s)
      time ✓
    • metres per second (m/s)
      speed ✓
  • Which of these equations shows how distance travelled can be calculated from average speed and time?
    • distance travelled = speed - time
    • distance travelled = speed + time
    • distance travelled = speed ÷ time
    • distance travelled = speed × time  ✓
  • Starting with the slowest, sort these objects in order of speed.
    • 1
      snail: 1 mm/s
    • 2
      spider: 10 cm/s
    • 3
      cat: 1 m/s
    • 4
      motorcycle: 10 m/s
    • 5
      jet: 1 km/s
  • A student measures how long a trolley takes to fall a distance of 1.5 m three separate times. Their readings are 2.5 s , 2.1 s, and 2.0 s. Calculate the average roll time.
    • 2.0 s
    • 2.2 s  ✓
    • 2.5 s
    • 5.7 s
    • 6.6 s
  • A trolley was allowed to roll along a series of tracks of different steepness giving different average speeds. Starting with the slowest, sort the results in order of increasing average speed.
    • 1
      ramp C: 2.4 s
    • 2
      ramp B: 1.8 s
    • 3
      ramp E: 1.7 s
    • 4
      ramp A: 1.5 s
    • 5
      ramp D: 0.9 s
  • A toy car rolls through a distance of 3.2 m in a time of 1.6 s. Calculate the average speed of the trolley giving the correct unit.
    • '2.0 m/s' ✓