Starter quiz

  • Two balls roll the same distance; ball A takes 4 s and ball B takes 3 s. Which statements are correct?
    • Ball A was moving faster than ball B.
    • Ball A was moving slower than ball B.  ✓
    • Ball A has a greater average speed than ball B.
    • Ball A has a lower average speed than ball B.  ✓
  • Which of these are units for speed?
    • m
    • m/s  ✓
    • km/h  ✓
    • N/s
    • s/m
  • Which pieces of information are needed to find the average speed of a toy car rolling across a desk?
    Which pieces of information are needed to find the average speed of a toy car rolling across a desk?
    • The mass of the toy car.
    • The time it takes the toy car to travel.  ✓
    • The height of the desk.
    • The distance the toy travels.  ✓
    • The size of the forces on the car.
  • Five swimmers complete a 200 m race. Their finish times are shown. Starting with the fastest, put the racers in order of average speed.
    • 1
      swimmer E: 600 s
    • 2
      swimmer C: 606 s
    • 3
      swimmer D: 610 s
    • 4
      swimmer B: 612 s
    • 5
      swimmer A: 620 s
  • A bus is travelling at 2 m/s and moves for a time of 30 s. Which of these shows how to calculate the distance the bus has travelled?
    A bus is travelling at 2 m/s and moves for a time of 30 s. Which of these shows how to calculate the distance the bus has travelled?
    • distance = 2 m/s + 30 s
    • distance = 2 m/s × 30 s  ✓
    • distance = 2 m/s ÷ 30 s
    • distance = 30 s ÷ 2 m/s
    • distance = 30 s - 2 m/s
  • A skater in a race travels a distance of 800 m in a time of 125 s. Calculate their speed.
    A skater in a race travels a distance of 800 m in a time of 125 s. Calculate their speed.
    • 0.16 m/s
    • 1.6 m/s
    • 6.4 m/s  ✓
    • 675 m/s
    • 925 m/s