Starter quiz

  • Which of these is used to mean the overall effect of a combination of forces, taking their direction into account?
    • the ultimate force
    • the final force
    • the total force
    • the resultant force  ✓
    • the force sum
  • Air resistance is an example of what kind of force?
    • tension
    • gravitational
    • upthrust
    • drag  ✓
    • non-contact
  • When a resultant force acts on an object it can speed up or slow down. What word is used to describe an increase in speed?
    • 'acceleration' ✓
  • The figure shows the forces on a van. What is happening to the van?
    The figure shows the forces on a van. What is happening to the van?
    • It must be stationary.
    • It is speeding up.  ✓
    • It is slowing down.
    • It is moving backwards.
    • It is moving at a constant speed.
  • A person pulls on a stationary box. It starts moving towards them. Which statement is correct.
    A person pulls on a stationary box. It starts moving towards them. Which statement is correct.
    • The size of the pull must be greater than the weight of the box.
    • The size of the pull must be less than the weight of the box.
    • The size of the pull is greater than the friction between the box and the floor.  ✓
    • The size of the pull is less than the friction between the box and the floor.
  • Which of these are parts of Newton's first law of motion? When there is no resultant force ...
    • a stationary object will start to move.
    • a stationary object will stay stationary.  ✓
    • a moving object will slow down.
    • a moving object will change direction.
    • a moving object keeps moving at the same speed in the same direction.  ✓