Starter quiz

  • Which two substances should appear before the arrow in the word summary of photosynthesis?
    Which two substances should appear before the arrow in the word summary of photosynthesis?
    • carbon dioxide  ✓
    • glucose
    • minerals
    • oxygen
    • water  ✓
  • Which two substances should appear after the arrow in the word summary of photosynthesis?
    Which two substances should appear after the arrow in the word summary of photosynthesis?
    • carbon dioxide
    • glucose  ✓
    • minerals
    • oxygen  ✓
    • water
  • In addition to carbon dioxide and water, what else is needed for photosynthesis to take place?
    In addition to carbon dioxide and water, what else is needed for photosynthesis to take place?
    • carbohydrate plant food
    • energy from a light source  ✓
    • nutrients from soil
    • oxygen gas
  • Photosynthesis takes place inside the ______ that a plant’s leaves are made from.
    • 'cells' ✓
  • Which part is only found in plant cells?
    Which part is only found in plant cells?
    • cell membrane
    • chloroplasts  ✓
    • cytoplasm
    • nucleus
    • mitochondria
  • In which part does photosynthesis take place?
    In which part does photosynthesis take place?
    • cell membrane
    • chloroplasts  ✓
    • cytoplasm
    • nucleus
    • mitochondria