Starter quiz

  • Where is the genetic information stored in an animal cell?
    Where is the genetic information stored in an animal cell?
    • 'Nucleus' ✓
  • Match up the cell to where it is produced.
    • sperm
      testes ✓
    • egg
      ovaries ✓
  • How long is the gestation period of humans?
    How long is the gestation period of humans?
    • 1 month
    • 28 days
    • 9 months  ✓
    • 1 year
  • Which of these are changes that females go through during puberty?
    • voice deepens
    • ovaries start to release eggs  ✓
    • sperm is produced in the testes
    • ovaries produce hormones  ✓
  • What is the process of producing offspring?
    • 'Reproduction' ✓
  • What are hormones?
    • organs
    • chemicals  ✓
    • tissues
    • cells