Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are true about seeds?
    Which of the following are true about seeds?
    • They are cells.
    • They are zygotes.
    • They are multicelluar.  ✓
    • They are living organisms.  ✓
  • True or false? Seeds contain a food store.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What is germination?
    What is germination?
    • The process where fertilisation takes place.
    • The process where a seed is formed.
    • The process where a plant grows from a seed.  ✓
    • The process where the nuclei of gametes fuse together.
    • The process where a zygote is formed.
  • What type of reproduction produces seeds?
    • Asexual
    • Sexual  ✓
  • Put the following stages of development in the right order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • What do plants need to grow?
    • Water  ✓
    • Space  ✓
    • A high temperature
    • Light  ✓
    • Nutrients  ✓