Starter quiz

  • True or false? Plants can reproduce sexually.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • What is the female gamete in a plant?
    • pollen
    • ova  ✓
    • ovary
    • anther
  • Flowers are the <span class="blank">______</span> organs of a plant.
    Flowers are the ______ organs of a plant.
    • 'reproductive' ✓
  • Which best describes fertilisation?
    • pollen being transferred by the wind to a different plant or flower
    • offsping having two parents
    • the fusion of two nuclei  ✓
    • the pollen being transferred to the stigma
  • True or false? Gametes contain all the genetic information needed to produce offspring.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Match the word to its description.
    Match the word to its description.
    • ovary
      where ovules produce ova ✓
    • style
      connects the stigma to the ovary ✓
    • stamen
      made up of an anther and filament ✓
    • stigma
      where pollen is deposited ✓
    • anther
      makes pollen ✓