Starter quiz

  • Which of these series circuits are correctly connected?
    • A
    • B
    • C
      C  ✓
  • Which of these electrical components is designed to spin when electricity flows through it?
    • a battery
    • a fuse
    • a motor  ✓
    • an ammeter
  • What are used to represent electrical leads in a circuit diagram?
    • horizontal lines  ✓
    • vertical lines  ✓
    • straight lines  ✓
    • curved lines for corners
    • dotted lines
  • Which of these electrical components has two metal contacts that open to stop electricity from flowing and close to allow it to pass through?
    • a switch  ✓
    • a lamp
    • a battery
    • a voltmeter
    • an ammeter
  • Sofia has drawn a circuit incorrectly. What mistake has she made?
    Sofia has drawn a circuit incorrectly. What mistake has she made?
    • the batteries are too far apart
    • the switch should be closed
    • the ammeter should be beside the motor
    • the right side of battery is not connected  ✓
  • Match each component to its function.
    • A battery ...
      provides the 'push' to send electricity around a circuit. ✓
    • A lead ...
      allows electricity to flow from one component to another. ✓
    • A switch ...
      controls the flow of electricity. ✓
    • A motor ...
      spins when electricity flows through it. ✓
    • A bulb ...
      emits light when electricity flows through it. ✓
    • A buzzer ...
      makes a sound when electricity flows through it. ✓