Starter quiz

  • In a circuit with one battery and one lamp, what happens to the brightness of the lamp if a second battery is added (in series) into the circuit?
    • the lamp gets dimmer
    • the lamp gets brighter  ✓
    • the brightness of the lamp does not change
  • In a circuit with one battery and one lamp, what happens to the brightness of the first lamp if a second, identical lamp is added (in series with the first) into the circuit?
    • the brightness of the first bulb does not change
    • the first lamp gets dimmer  ✓
    • the first lamp gets brighter
  • Which component is represented by the symbol shown?
    Which component is represented by the symbol shown?
    • a battery
    • a buzzer
    • a lamp  ✓
    • a motor
  • Which component is represented by the symbol shown?
    Which component is represented by the symbol shown?
    • a battery  ✓
    • a voltmeter
    • an ammeter
    • a resistor
  • Which of the symbols shown is used to represent a resistor?
  • Which of the following changes would increase the brightness of a lamp in a circuit?
    • decrease current
    • increase number of lamps
    • increase number of batteries  ✓
    • longer wires