Starter quiz

  • Which two of these astronomical objects give off light (are luminous)?
    • planets
    • stars  ✓
    • the Sun  ✓
    • the Moon
  • What causes a parked car to heat up to a higher temperature than its surroundings on a sunny day?
    • the material inside the car
    • the heat from the road underneath it
    • the hot air around it
    • the sunlight shining on it  ✓
  • Which of these days in the northern hemisphere (e.g. in London) has most hours of daylight?
    • March 21st
    • June 21st  ✓
    • September 21st
    • December 21st
  • Put these planets in order of how bright the sun appears from each one. Start with the one where the sun appears brightest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Put these planets in order of their average temperature, starting with the hottest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Which of these cars would be the hottest? Apart from colour, the cars are identical.
    • a silver car on a cloudy day
    • a black car on a cloudy day
    • a silver car on a sunny day
    • a black car on a sunny day  ✓