Starter quiz

  • Which state of matter has no fixed shape, but a definite volume and can flow?
    Which state of matter has no fixed shape, but a definite volume and can flow?
    • a, liquid  ✓
    • b, solid
    • c, gas
  • The ______ point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas.
    • 'boiling' ✓
  • Which state has the weakest forces of attraction between the particles?
    • solid
    • liquid
    • gas  ✓
  • Which state of matter undergoes a change in volume when compressed?
    • solid
    • liquid
    • gas  ✓
  • The two beakers below, with the same volume of water in each, were left in a room. Select all the true statements about Beaker A.
    The two beakers below, with the same volume of water in each, were left in a room. Select all the true statements about Beaker A.
    • Dries up first.
    • Smaller surface area of water.  ✓
    • Less particles at the surface in touch with the air.  ✓
    • Wider than the other beaker.
    • The water is spread out over a greater area.
  • It is winter. The bird bath in the school garden needs refilling. Some primary children discuss whether evaporation could be the reason that the bird bath is empty. Which reason is correct?
    It is winter. The bird bath in the school garden needs refilling. Some primary children discuss whether evaporation could be the reason that the bird bath is empty. Which reason is correct?
    • The sun is not powerful enough to dry up the the bird bath in the winter.
    • The sun evaporates the water in the summer but cannot in winter.
    • There are still sunny days in the winter which can dry up the bird bath.
    • Water can still evaporate even if the weather is not sunny.  ✓