Starter quiz

  • What are the three states of matter?
    • Hot, Cold, Warm
    • Water, Ice, Steam
    • Solid, Liquid, Gas  ✓
  • In which state of matter are particles in a fixed position and can only vibrate?
    • Liquid state
    • Gas state
    • Solid state  ✓
  • Which state of matter takes the shape of its container?
    • Gas state
    • Solid state
    • Liquid state  ✓
  • What is the temperature at which water freezes? ______ ℃ (enter only a number)
    • '0' ✓
  • Arrange the following transitions in the order they would occur when heating a substance:
    • 1
      The substance is in the solid state
    • 2
      The substance melts
    • 3
      The substance is in the liquid state
  • What is the primary reason that a substance in the solid state does not flow like a substance in the liquid state?
    • The particles are too large
    • The particles are too small
    • The forces of attraction between particles are stronger  ✓