Starter quiz

  • Which of these diagrams represents a single cell?
  • Which of the following do all cells have in common?
    • nucleus
    • cell membrane  ✓
    • cell wall
    • mitochondria
  • DNA is stored in the ______ of an animal cell.
    • 'nucleus' ✓
  • Match each cell type with the correct description.
    • Bacteria cells
      Contain DNA that is loose in the cytoplasm. ✓
    • Plant cells
      Contain chloroplasts. ✓
    • All cells
      Have a cell membrane and cytoplasm. ✓
  • Use the classification key to classify a duckling.
    Use the classification key to classify a duckling.
    • bird  ✓
    • mammal
    • fish
  • Which of the following types of cells has a cell wall?
    • plant cells  ✓
    • animal cells
    • fungi cells  ✓
    • bacteria cells  ✓