Starter quiz

  • Which of the following statements about complete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels is correct?
    • Complete combustion occurs when a fuel burns in a limited supply of oxygen.
    • Complete combustion occurs when a fuel burns in a plentiful supply of oxygen.  ✓
    • The products are carbon dioxide and water.  ✓
    • The products are carbon monoxide and water.
  • Why is carbon dioxide considered an atmospheric pollutant?
    • it is an odourless, colourless toxic gas
    • it causes global dimming
    • it contributes to global warming  ✓
  • Match the greenhouse gas to the correct molecular formula.
    • methane
      CH₄ ✓
    • carbon dioxide
      CO₂ ✓
    • water vapour
      H₂O ✓
  • What is the equation for photosynthesis?
    • carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen  ✓
    • glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
    • methane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
  • What impact may deforestation have on the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
    • the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase  ✓
    • the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will remain the same
    • the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decrease
  • What key term is used to describe the number of waves that pass a point per second?
    • 'frequency' ✓