Starter quiz

  • A joining word...
    • describes a noun
    • only joins nouns
    • describes a verb
    • joins words or ideas  ✓
  • Identify the joining word in the following sentence. 'We can play football or we can play basketball at break time.'
    • we
    • can
    • or  ✓
    • at
  • Match these words to their correct word class.
    • verb
      is ✓
    • noun
      bag ✓
    • joining word
      so ✓
    • adjective
      golden ✓
    • adverb
      carefully ✓
  • Which verb is written in the correct tense to fill the gap in the following sentence? 'Yesterday, we __________ fireworks in the park.'
    • see
    • seen
    • go
    • saw  ✓
  • What is the joining word in the following sentence? 'Let’s go to the shops when it stops raining.'
    • 'when' ✓
  • Select the sentence that makes complete sense.
    • Jun took his waterproof jacket so there were dark clouds in the sky.
    • Jun took his waterproof jacket because there were dark clouds in the sky.  ✓
    • Jun takes his waterproof jacket because there were dark clouds in the sky.
    • jun took his waterproof jacket and there were dark clouds in the sky