Starter quiz

  • Match the text type with the correct definition.
    • Fiction
      A story that is made up or imagined. ✓
    • Non-fiction
      A real story or text that provides true information. ✓
    • Poetry
      A type of writing used to stir emotions (sometimes rhymes). ✓
  • What is 'narrative' another word for?
    • a dance
    • a story  ✓
    • a game
  • Order the following in the way they would appear in a story.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Which of the following would a non-fiction text be written about?
    • Paddington Bear
    • Jack and the Beanstalk
    • The Great Fire of London  ✓
  • In the subject history, what do we learn about?
    • the past  ✓
    • the present
    • the future
  • Why do people read non-fiction texts?
    • to use our imagination
    • to learn interesting or important information  ✓
    • to be creative