Starter quiz

  • What cause was Emmeline Pankhurst an activist for?
    • women's suffrage  ✓
    • women's education
    • men's rights
  • What type of text tells us the story of Emmeline Pankhurst's life?
    • a fiction narrative
    • a biography text  ✓
    • a poem
  • When retelling the story of a significant figure's life, I should ...
    • memorise the entire story and include every detail.
    • summarise the most important parts of their life to retell.  ✓
    • only retell the beginning of their life.
  • How can you build a greater understanding of a text?
    • guess what the story is about
    • answer questions by retrieving important information  ✓
    • read it once
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • significant figure
      a person who has done something important in our world ✓
    • activist
      a person who takes action to change something in our world ✓
    • suffrage
      the right to vote in political elections ✓
    • suffragette
      an activist for women's right to vote ✓
  • When Emmeline Pankhurst was alive, life was ...
    • exactly the same as it is now.
    • lots of fun.
    • very different and unfair for women.  ✓