Starter quiz

  • Which pieces of information would you find on the front cover of a picture book?
    • title  ✓
    • blurb
    • author  ✓
    • caption
  • True or false? 'Leaf' is a non-fiction text.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • True or false? All the characters in 'Leaf' are animals.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Match the keywords to the correct definitions.
    • fiction
      A story which is made up or imagined. ✓
    • prediction
      Deciding what you think will happen next in a story. ✓
    • character
      A person or animal in a story. ✓
    • illustration
      A picture in a book drawn by an artist. ✓
  • Starting from the beginning, order these events from the story 'Leaf'.
    • 1
      One day, a crow saw a polar bear washed up on the shore.
    • 2
      The polar bear collected leaves every day.
    • 3
      The forest animals did not talk to the polar bear and they were afraid of him.
    • 4
      The polar bear tried to jump off the cliff and fly home but it didn't work.
    • 5
      The animals felt sorry for the polar bear and finally listened to his story.
    • 6
      The crows helped to fly the polar bear home.
  • Which real life issue is the story of 'Leaf' based on?
    • Healthcare.
    • Climate change.  ✓
    • Technology.