Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences is written in the present tense?
    • The bug tickled my hand.
    • The bug tickles my hand.  ✓
    • The bug will tickle my hand.
  • Identify the verb in this sentence: The boy waves.
    • The
    • boy
    • waves  ✓
  • Match the verb to the correct tense:
    • cooks
      present tense ✓
    • cooked
      past tense ✓
  • Match the following:
    • phrase
      cuddly teddy ✓
    • sentence
      I love my cuddly teddy. ✓
    • noun
      teddy ✓
  • Which sentence is written correctly?
    • jun cooked noodles.
    • Jun cooked noodles
    • Jun cooked noodles.  ✓
    • jun cooked noodles
  • A simple sentence ...
    • always contains a verb.  ✓
    • is always written in the past tense.
    • always contains an adjective.