Starter quiz

  • Select the suffixes.
    • -ing  ✓
    • -er  ✓
    • pre-
    • -ed  ✓
    • un-
  • Select all the words containing the suffix -er.
    • quieter  ✓
    • slowly
    • greener  ✓
    • happiest
    • played
  • Match the words to the rule they apply when the suffix -er is added.
    • quiet - quieter
      Just add -er. ✓
    • wide - wider
      Remove the ‘e’ and add -er. ✓
    • hot - hotter
      Double the consonant and add -er. ✓
    • funny - funnier
      Remove the ‘y’ and add -ier. ✓
  • What word class is the word in bold in the following sentence: Today was hotter than yesterday.
    • noun
    • adjective  ✓
    • verb
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: I felt bravr when my friend arrived.
    • braveer
    • braver  ✓
    • brayver
    • bravr
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: This slice of cake is thinr than that one.
    • thiner
    • thinr
    • thinner  ✓
    • thinnur