Starter quiz

  • Which of these words are adjectives?
    • trees
    • green  ✓
    • forest
    • woman
    • tall  ✓
  • Which adjectives would you choose to best describe the pot the old woman gives Jin in the story?
    • dirty
    • busy
    • magical  ✓
    • long
  • Match the word to the correct word class.
    • pushed
      verb ✓
    • tall
      adjective ✓
    • village
      noun ✓
  • Which verb best fills the gap in this sentence: The porridge __________ the streets.
    • emptied
    • ate
    • hopped
    • flooded  ✓
  • Finish this sentence: The porridge pot overflowed because...
    • Jin was unkind to people.
    • Jin said the magic words twice.  ✓
    • Jin left the oven on whilst it was cooking.
    • a gust of wind came into the room and stirred up a storm in the kitchen.
  • Which is the only sentence that is correct as it makes sense?
    • Said Jin the magic words twice.
    • Jin the magic words twice.
    • Jin said the magic words twice.  ✓
    • Jin said magic twice.