Starter quiz

  • Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • I ate a snack.  ✓
    • i ate a snack
    • i ate a snack.
    • I ate A snack.
  • "__________ got the flag." Complete this sentence with the correct spelling.
    • Shee
    • Shi
    • Se
    • She  ✓
  • Which sentence is in the correct order so it makes sense?
    • has three dogs. He
    • three dogs. He has
    • He has three dogs.  ✓
    • dogs. three has He
  • Which sentence uses a comma correctly?
    • The , purple fast car was on the road.
    • The , purple, fast, car was on the road
    • The purple fast car was on the road.
    • The purple, fast car was on the road.  ✓
  • “I walked to the hot beach.” Match the word to its word type based on this sentence.
    • Adjective
      hot ✓
    • Verb
      walked ✓
    • Noun
      beach ✓
  • Match the past tense verb to the present tense verb.
    • heard
      hear ✓
    • saw
      see ✓
    • smelt
      smell ✓
    • felt
      touch ✓
    • tasted
      taste ✓