Starter quiz

  • Identify the common nouns.
    • fish  ✓
    • jump
    • shiny
    • man  ✓
  • Is the noun in this sentence singular or plural? The dogs barked.
    • singular
    • plural  ✓
  • Match the following.
    • verb
      dance ✓
    • noun
      Andeep ✓
    • adjective
      old ✓
  • What is the verb in this sentence? The green grass sways.
    • The
    • green
    • grass
    • sways  ✓
  • A full sentence must contain at least one ...
    • proper noun
    • adjective
    • expanded noun phrase
    • verb  ✓
  • Match the verb with the common noun it agrees with best.
    • talk
      girl ✓
    • fly
      bird ✓
    • twinkle
      star ✓