Starter quiz

  • Which sentence needs a question mark at the end?
    • Draw me the layout of an Anglo-Saxon farm
    • The farming practices of Anglo-Saxons were innovative
    • How productive it is to use a plough and ox to till soil
    • Where did Anglo-Saxons hunt and fish  ✓
  • Which sentence would best suit ending with an exclamation mark?
    • Draw me the layout of an Anglo-Saxon farm
    • The farming practices of Anglo-Saxons were innovative
    • How productive it is to use a plough and ox to till soil  ✓
    • Where did Anglo-Saxons hunt and fish
  • Match the tense to its corresponding sentence.
    • present tense
      They use oxen and ploughs in their farming practices. ✓
    • past tense
      They used oxen and ploughs in their farming practices. ✓
    • future tense
      They will use oxen and ploughs in their farming practices. ✓
  • Which co-ordinating conjunction completes this sentence? 'Producing crops played an important role __________ the main grains grown were barley, oats and wheat'.'
    • , but
    • , or
    • and  ✓
  • What type of clause is this? 'because their diet was largely based on the seasons'
    • 'subordinate' ✓
  • Tick the sentences that are main clauses.
    • but not a common farming practice
    • they produced enough food for the community  ✓
    • as they relied on the seasons
    • livestock were raised for other products too  ✓