Starter quiz

  • Which words best match the meaning of 'formal'?
    • chatty
    • serious  ✓
    • descriptive
    • factual  ✓
  • Which sentence below is the most formal in tone?
    • She's done amazing things.
    • Her achievements are very impressive.  ✓
    • The things she's done would amaze you!
  • What are the key features of a fronted adverbial?
    • comes at the start of a sentence  ✓
    • comes in the middle of a sentence
    • is followed by a comma  ✓
    • is followed by a semi-colon
  • Which of these sentences have a fronted adverbial?
    • During the 1990s, she studied at university.  ✓
    • She studied at university during the 1990s.
    • She worked in Manchester after she left university.
    • After she left university, she worked in Manchester.  ✓
  • Match the 'person' to the example.
    • first person
      I love nature.  ✓
    • second person
      You love nature.  ✓
    • third person
      She loves nature.  ✓
  • Which sentence below is not written in the third person?
    • She chose to train as a gymnast after watching the Olympics.
    • She offered me the job even though I was untrained.  ✓
    • She saw the potential in him immediately.