Starter quiz

  • What is the headline of a persuasive advert?
    • the main body of text
    • the pictures shown
    • the heading that is positioned to stand out  ✓
  • Match the linguistic technique to its definition.
    • alliteration
      the repetition of initial sounds in neighbouring words ✓
    • rhyme
      the similarity of sounds between the ending of words ✓
    • rhetorical question
      a question posed that is not intended to be answered ✓
    • exaggeration
      overstating for dramatic effect ✓
    • synonym
      a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word ✓
  • Which of the following sentences contain alliteration?
    • The chocolate energy ball is nutritious and delicious.
    • These blissful bites will fulfil all of your needs.  ✓
    • The chocolatey chew is packed full of nutrients.  ✓
    • These tasty treats are healthy and moreish.  ✓
  • What are the key selling points for the chocolate energy ball?
    • They are coated in chocolate for an indulgent taste.  ✓
    • They are the shape of a ball so you can bounce them.
    • They are made up 80% oats, nuts and dried fruits for health benefits.  ✓
    • They are easy to make and quick to eat.
  • Which of the following adjectives would be used to describe the chocolate energy ball appropriately?
    • nutritious  ✓
    • unhealthy
    • energising  ✓
    • delectable  ✓
    • boring
  • Which of the following should you consider when designing your persuasive advert?
    • persuasive linguistic techniques  ✓
    • visual appearance and layout  ✓
    • chronology
    • use of storytelling language