Starter quiz

  • What is alliteration?
    • the repetition of initial consonant sounds occurring in neighbouring words  ✓
    • the attribution of human characteristics or behaviours to non-human objects
    • words that imitate or suggest the sound they describe
  • What visual and linguistic techniques may be used in the headline of an advert?
    • alliteration  ✓
    • big and bold writing in unique font  ✓
    • simple font
    • short and snappy  ✓
    • underline
  • What is onomatopoeia?
    • the repetition of initial sounds in neighbouring words
    • the similarity of sounds between the ending syllables of words
    • words that imitate or suggest the sound they describe  ✓
  • Which of the following phrases are examples of rhyme?
    • sweet treat  ✓
    • bouncing ball
    • boing!
    • Once eaten, never beaten!  ✓
  • Select the examples of a relative clause.
    • which are packed full of nutrient-rich ingredients  ✓
    • they are coated in the creamiest, most indulgent chocolate
    • who is the most healthy person in the school  ✓
    • which will leave your mouth watering  ✓
  • Select the features you would be likely to find in a persuasive advert.
    • exaggeration  ✓
    • rhetorical quesion  ✓
    • formal fronted adverbials
    • superlatives  ✓
    • ordering fronted adverbials