Starter quiz

  • What is an audience?
    • a group of people who perform on stage
    • a group of people playing
    • a group of people who watch or listen to something  ✓
  • Match each term to the correct definition.
    • non-chronological report
      a non-fiction text that is written out of time order ✓
    • biography
      a story of someone's life ✓
    • fictional story
      a made-up story about characters who aren't real ✓
    • diary
      a personal record of thoughts, feelings and events ✓
  • What is included in language choices?
    • the words, phrases and fronted adverbials chosen  ✓
    • the punctuation chosen
    • the number of paragraphs written
  • What should an audience do when they are watching a performance?
    • listen to the performance  ✓
    • play on their tablet
    • watch the performance  ✓
    • speak to their neighbour
  • Which of these words are decodable using phonics?
    • who
    • was
    • swim  ✓
    • people
    • drink  ✓
  • When reading aloud, what should you do when you see a full stop?
    • speed up
    • pause and take a breath  ✓
    • speak louder
    • speak more quietly