Starter quiz

  • What are the linguistic features of a journalistic report?
    • formal journalistic language  ✓
    • storytelling language
    • simple sentences
    • subject-specific vocabulary  ✓
    • complex sentences  ✓
  • Match the people and place from 'Little Red Riding Hood' to their connection to the crime.
    • Mr Wolf
      the person who committed the crime ✓
    • Mrs Puckett and Red
      the people who suffered the crime ✓
    • property on Cherry Pot Lane
      where the crime took place ✓
    • neighbours, local residents
      people who saw or heard information linked to the crime ✓
  • Which type of fronted adverbials are most commonly used when reporting on a crime?
    • viewpoint fronted adverbials
    • fronted adverbials of time  ✓
    • fronted adverbial of cause
    • fronted adverbial of place
  • What kind of subject-specific vocabulary will you need to use in a journalistic report about a crime?
    • vocabulary linked to science
    • vocabulary linked to crime  ✓
    • vocabulary linked to food
  • Which crimes did the Wolf commit?
    • burglary
    • breaking and entering  ✓
    • littering
    • assault  ✓
  • Which of the following are examples of formal journalistic writing?
    • They told us...
    • Witnesses have reported...  ✓
    • We think that...
    • It is believed that...  ✓