Starter quiz

  • Match the word to the spelling of the /shun/ suffix it contains.
    • optician
      cian ✓
    • fraction
      tion ✓
    • permission
      ssion ✓
    • revision
      sion ✓
  • Words spelt with -cian often have a root word ending in which letters?
    • ss
    • te
    • t
    • c  ✓
    • cs  ✓
  • Nouns which are professions are often represented using which spelling of the /shun/ suffix?
    • tion
    • sion
    • ssion
    • cian  ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. He was a skillful muzishon.
    • 'musician' ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. Our television has broken so I called an electrishun.
    • electrishun
    • electrision
    • electrition
    • electrician  ✓
    • electricain
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. We were amazed when the majishun pulled a rabbit out of a hat.
    • 'magician' ✓