Starter quiz

  • Which of the examples below show good text cohesion?
    • Pandas have a 'thumb'. They can grip bamboo stems.
    • Pandas can grip bamboo stems because they have a 'thumb'.  ✓
    • Pandas have a 'thumb'. As a result, they can grip bamboo stems.  ✓
    • Pandas can grip bamboo stems. They have a 'thumb'.
  • Which co-ordinating conjunction could be used to join these two sentences? Pandas need strong legs. They wouldn't be able to gather enough bamboo.
    • and
    • but
    • or  ✓
  • Which of the following best combines these two ideas? Panda numbers are rising. They are still vulnerable to extinction.
    • Because panda numbers are rising, they are still vulnerable to extinction.
    • Panda numbers are rising so that they are still vulnerable to extinction.
    • Although panda numbers are rising, they are still vulnerable to extinction.  ✓
  • Which sentence combines these ideas using a non-finite (-ing) clause? Pandas have strong molars. This allows them to crush bamboo stems easily.
    • Pandas have strong molars and they can crush bamboo stems easily.
    • Pandas have strong molars, allowing them to crush bamboo stems easily.  ✓
    • Pandas have strong molars so that they can crush bamboo stems easily.
  • Which fronted adverbial could connect these two sentences? Pandas have strong legs. They are able to gather lots of bamboo without getting tired.
    • As a result of this,  ✓
    • Notably,
    • However,
  • Tick the parts of a non-chronological report that include specific information about particular themes.
    • conclusion
    • diet section  ✓
    • habitat section  ✓
    • introduction