Starter quiz

  • Which of the following expanded noun phrases could replace 'large mandibles' in a non-chronological report?
    • terrifying, gaping jaws
    • over-sized jaws  ✓
    • anter-like jaws  ✓
    • jaws as fearsome as a lion's mouth
  • Which of these sentences contain parenthesis?
    • The stag beetle (an insect) is the UK's largest beetle.  ✓
    • The female stag beetle has normal-sized jaws.
    • The stag beetle (the UK's largest beetle) lives in south east England.  ✓
    • The stag beetle lives in south east England (particularly in London).  ✓
  • Which of the following features would we not find in a non-chronological report?
    • subheadings
    • a short poem describing the subject  ✓
    • dramatic descriptions of how the author sees the subject  ✓
    • conclusion
  • Which of these features help the reader find information in a non-chronological report?
    • the conclusion
    • subheadings  ✓
    • paragraphs grouped around a theme
    • the title
  • Where in a non-chronological report are we most likely to find specific information about different aspects of the subject?
    • the sections with subheadings  ✓
    • the introduction
    • the conclusion
  • Which of these sentences could belong in a paragraph called 'Where are stag beetles found?'?
    • Stag beetles are an endangered species.
    • Adult stag beetles prefer to live in sunny oak woodlands.  ✓
    • Stag beetles are now protected by law.
    • The stag beetle larva lives underground for years.  ✓