Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are complex sentences?
    • Gas lamps flicker while gangs of ruffians skulk.  ✓
    • Gas lamps flicker in the darkness.
    • Ruffians skulk in the darkness, waiting for their next victim.  ✓
    • Ruffians wait for their next victim.
  • Which sentences start with a fronted adverbial?
    • On one street, there is havoc.  ✓
    • There is havoc everywhere.
    • In the air, the stench of human waste is suffocating.  ✓
    • The stench of human waste hangs in the air.
  • What features can be seen in the following sentence? 'On each corner, gas lamps flicker as ruffians wait in the shadows.'
    • non-finite (-ing) subordinate clause
    • fronted adverbial of place  ✓
    • historical context  ✓
    • adverbial subordinate clause  ✓
  • What features can be seen in the following sentence? 'Below, the river snakes, winding through the vast metropolis.'
    • non-finite (-ing) subordinate clause  ✓
    • adverbial subordinate clause
    • preposition phrase  ✓
    • fronted adverbial of place  ✓
  • What type of complex sentence has been used to combine the following two ideas? 'On one side, dilapidated slums sit, overflowing with misery.'
    • a relative complex sentence
    • an adverbial complex sentence
    • a non-finite complex sentence  ✓
  • Which sentences contain a preposition phrase?
    • The river glides through the city.  ✓
    • Imposing buildings tower over serene streets.  ✓
    • Impenetrable smog hangs over the city.  ✓
    • Imposing buildings line serene streets.