Starter quiz

  • Information in the diet section should be...
    • general.
    • specific.  ✓
    • vague.
  • Order the parts of a section paragraph.
    • 1
      introductory sentence
    • 2
      specific information written in coherent sentences
    • 3
      linking sentence
  • Match the cohesive device to its definition:
    • fronted adverbial
      a sentence starter followed by a comma ✓
    • subject-specific vocabulary
      vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject ✓
    • relative complex sentences
      a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause ✓
  • Tick the correct definition of a relative pronoun:
    • a word that starts a relative clause like 'who' or 'which'  ✓
    • a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause
    • a word which describes a noun
  • Which relative pronoun should be used at the start of relative clauses about aye-ayes?
    • who
    • which  ✓
    • whose
    • whom
  • Which of these relative clauses is most suitable to add to this main clause: 'Aye-ayes, __________, eat both animals and plants.'
    • which are nocturnal
    • which have long, slender fingers
    • which are omnivores  ✓
    • which live in Madagascar
    • which have dark fur